
Saturday, September 28, 2019

Possibly Starting This Blog Back Up

I have not posted to this blog in over 7 years. Who knows if anyone even visits it anymore, or if anyone would visit it if I were to change it up? When I first created this blog it was a place for me to just type what I wanted whether it was something funny, or something a bit serious. I'll probably keep it relatively the same, with maybe a bit more on the serious side than on the funny side, but who knows. That's the sort of thing that works itself out over time.

Since 2011 when I last posted I've been into astronomy, went to college for mathematics, dropped out of my math bachelors degree which I might get into at another time, became extremely interested in physics, and recently have grown an interest in orbital mechanics and more astronomy science. Unfortunately if I want to learn about orbital mechanics I'll probably need to dive a bit deeper into physics than what I currently know. I may take you all along on that journey as I learn new concepts, along with breaks in between for some humor or other sorts of posting. Really it'll be a catchall covering a range of topics. I've never been good at keeping a niche. I've wanted to start YouTube channels, but they only ever seem to take off if you maintain a niche such as a math channel, a astronomy channel, a drawing channel, a learning channel, etc. One week I could post tin whistle, and then throw in a nature video, and then all of a sudden I'm doing math problems, and then I'm building something. Really I'm all over the place and sticking to one subject is extremely boring, and I grow quite tired of it rather quickly.

So, stay tuned if you'd like to see where this blog goes. Maybe you'll like some of the content, maybe you wont. If you like some of it maybe keep checking back, or comment on what you do like so I can consider doing more along those lines. Honestly at the time of writing and posting this, I'm not expecting anyone to still be reading or visiting this blog.