
Friday, April 23, 2010

The First Week Back

Well just like I thought after that vacation going back to work was anything but easy or fun. Sunday night I laid down around midnight, knowing I wouldn't fall asleep any earlier than that even if I laid down early. I didn't fall asleep until around 2:30am, and waking up at 5 was not very easy.
Monday night, somehow I was still not tired after standing all day. I physically felt tired but my mind definitely was not tired or even slightly exhausted. I stayed up until around 11pm when I finally laid down. Was still up until 2am. Did not want to get out of bed. When my alarm clock was going off I thought it was all just a dream so I easily laid back down after hitting the snooze. Not until the clock said 5:45 did it register that this is real. Good thing my clock is 10 minutes fast, I knew there was a reason for this ;).
Tuesday night, wow, seriously not all that tired again. Body felt worn out it just wanted to relax, but my eyes and mind just didn't want anything to do with it. Watched Lost and V, both great shows. Laid down after that, which was around 11. Was up until around 1am. When the alarm went off I didn't want anything to do with it didn't fall back to sleep just laid there stressed out and annoyed. It was such a horrible feeling to drag myself out from underneath those warm covers. Dragging myself out of that comfortable bed, next to my beautiful girlfriend. I just had thoughts of calling work and saying I can't make it. I can't afford to use a sick day, what if I need for... when I'm sick? So I got up and off I was for another 10 hours of standing. After getting less sleep in 3 days than most people are getting in 1 night I was feeling it bad that day.
Wednesday night, so tired, still laid there awake for a bit but I don't even know what time I fell asleep. I probably got 6 hours and damn did it feel amazing. One of the best things ever. I was so refreshed and full of energy at work on Thursday, I'd actually say it was a good day. I love Thursdays though, we get 3 day weekends so Thursday meant I was done with work for 3 days.
Here it is Friday and I feel great, I hope I don't get myself too out of schedule by Sunday night.

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